I started my come back well enough, at least in terms of how often I posted. I still didn't find my groove as far as post topics were concerned, but I was willing to give it time. I actually even had a few things (that I thought were interesting) brewing.
And then, the markets tanked and I got real busy at work. Since the days were so full, it was hard to do anything in the evening, and I just needed to clear my head -- usually that entailed mostly reading with a bit of TV. I just couldn't look at the computer past a certain hour, except maybe to play Mahjong or Chess.
The idea behind it has many aspects:
- You get to be Ryan Oakley. You get to make him say things.
In return, Ryan gets the benefit of different point of views, the benefit of diversification. No longer a white, catholic male, but perhaps a woman, an Asian, a Muslim, Ryan can be anything, anywhere.
- You get to say things you never dreamed you would actually express -- anonymously.
Ryan, just like a politician reading a prepared speech, will assume the words -- your words -- and never reveal who wrote them.
- Unless you choose incomprehensible bigotry, you will not be edited.
Ryan Oakley gives his word as a gentleman that your name will never be revealed and that all posts will go under his name as if he wrote them. Complete confidentiality.
- No rules, no guidelines. Write whatever you want. Anything you ever wanted to say but were too embarrassed to even admit to yourself you had such thoughts!
You are Ryan Oakley and he takes responsibility for your own words, as offensive as they may be.
Use Ryan Oakley and the platform he gives you to voice some things you never dared!
For more info and how to contact Ryan, go here.
Categories: ghostwriting, writing