Anyone not living in a place where they literally dread the winter, will probably not relate to this post, although it's not just about the weather. Or maybe it is.
Cold as a razor blade,
The weather is turning here. The degrees are plummeting.
This Thanksgiving long weekend, though, is supposed to be nice, and we're planning a trip up north to see the leaves turning, the autumn, fall colours. That's about the only nice thing that is happening now.
Tight as a tourniquet,
I've been working hard lately and I've been really tired too. This could be a lingering effect from the war, but it could also just be normal. I do feel as if I have less time though.
Hubby and I have been doing what most people in this weather do around this time of year, prepare the house for winter - isolation, I mean, insulation, furnace, windows, evestroughs etc... everything we need to do before turning in for winter hibernation. I dread the winter.
Dry as a funeral drum.
The first thing I notice, this time of year, is that my hair turns flat. The jump and curliness are gone. This weather sucks me dry. I hope the dryness remains on the surface; I hope it doesn't reach my brain. I hope I don't find myself in a month planted in front of the TV until summer returns.
So you better believe it. I sure know it.
One of my turns coming on
I don't know what kind it would be. I hope it's the creative kind, not the depressive kind. I hope it's an active kind, not a "blah" kind. Maybe NaNo will turn me around from whatever winter mood I know I'll be in, help me through the first month of winter and make it all more bearable. I hope.
[[I also hope I don't get sued by Pink Floyd for this... More importantly, actually, I hope I didn't offend any Pink Floyd fans, I can understand if you're mad, I might have been too if I was reading, not writing this.]]
I hear you and I'm with you! Winter-bah humbug! We need a blogger convention somewhere warm.
I hate winter too, I just can't stand being cold, it makes getting up in the morning sooo difficult!!
It's been years since I've experienced the winters you described, but I remember them. The snow is beautiful, but it sucks up oxygen like there's no tomorrow.
I hope you have a very productive NaNo. :)
I'm with you and creativewriter1985. I hate the cold!
If I wasn't born in So Cal, I think I'd run away to live here. We think it's cold when it gets into the low 60s!
You know, I just would like to comment I've noticed a nice quality to your writing that I consider non-gender specific. I don't mwan that as anything weird, honestly. It makes your writing particularly strong, cohesive.
Well, as a fan of Pink Floyd, I'd have to say your use of "One of My Turns" is a unique one, if not a first choice. ;) (Unfortunately, now I'm looking for my favorite axe, and probably will be singing this in my head all day long! :) )
I love the introversion of winter, and the quiet that it brings - internal and external. Autumn comes and I get all aflutter with the home preparations, as you mentioned, but also with the mental preparations - in many ways, autumn and winter can be among my most vibrant and creative times of year. And they are certainly my favorite seasons. :) I love the cold.
I do hope that you have a good winter, or at least a good turn.
Melly, I grew up in south Louisiana and feel the same way about summer as you do winter. I feel your anticipation.
Those of us who live in the Northeast are feeling incredibly lucky this weekend...warm air, trees going up in flames, pumpkins scattered in the patches. I love fall.
I love winter BECAUSE it's cold and isolating. Such a great time to hole up with my imaginary friends and write, write, write...I'm predicting lots of inspiration for you this year.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
As day turns to darkness, perhaps you can find some solace in the stars and how brightly they can shine on an empty winter night.
You're weak.
I just camped up North for the last 5 days. Heard the wolves, caught some fish.
Cold is nice.
Ugh. I hate winter too. But I liked your use of Pink Floyd!
We had a really hot summer here in London by August I was actually starting to look forward to cosying up this winter. Now it's getting properly cold though and I'm wondering what on earth I was thinking of!
Nice photo.
rdl, what a fabulous idea! I vote for... Miami?
creativewriter1985, oh, especially when you wake up early. Like me!
Deborah, I used to think snow is pretty, now I just dread it. Will you be doing Nano?
Ballpoint Wren, to that I can only say - lucky! Maybe we can have the convention in So Cal :)
My goodness, sdruthla, this is one of the nicest things anyone's ever said about my writing. Thanks!
jlb, I guess I was in a bit of a fiery mood when I thought this one up... No, put that axe down :)
I know people like you, who like the cold. That's really good for you. I hope we'll all have a good winter!
Trée, hon, I know you and everybody will keep me warm, at least on the inside :)
Kathleen, we had a nice weekend too. Alas, I feel it was probably the last one. Fall can have good qualities to it.
Thanks Patry. Thanksgiving was great mainly because the weather turned out nice. I do hope you're right about the writing, though :)
Jason, that was probably the most poetic, lyrical comment anyone has ever left here :) I'm not a night person, but I'll try to look at it with your eyes.
Ryan, I am weak! And I whine too!
Glad to hear you had a good camping trip.
Phew, Fred, what a relief, I was afraid you'd hate it :)
Julia, I know, everybody here complains in the summer, forgetting how awful winter actually is.
Thanks, I didn't take the pic, but another Torontonian did.
No, I won't be participating in NaNo this year. I've got too many things going on.
You're such a busy gal, Deborah :)
I know. I'm dying to finish Prosperity this year. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. :)
Good luck with your NaNo project. I hope you have a blast with it!
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